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International students of Saratov Conservatoire took part in the festival «Symphony of Youth»

15 Ноября 2022,

The Russian-Chinese student festival «Symphony of Youth» dedicated to saving the countries’ cultural heritage was held in Saint-Petersburg from September, 10 till November, 2. The aims of the festival were promoting cultural exchange between Russian and Chinese students, their mutual education and joint development, development of mutual understanding of cultures and strengthening friendship between young people from Russia and China.

Students of Saratov Conservatoire Gong Ping (class of prof. Olga Alakina), Wu Duanrong (class of prof. Vyacheslav Bondarenko) and postgraduate student Yang Teng took part in the festival. The second-year master course student Gong Ping became a laureate of the festival. Congratulations!

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